
Enjoy the last days of the Sun in Tallinn while enjoying some snacks and having a picnic on the beach.
Having sunshine in Tallinn and a weather that is suitable for any outdoor activity is a rarity in Tallinn. The idea of the event was basically to call people out of their homes and towards the beach. Enjoy the last few rays of the Sun. We shared directions with all the students on how to get to the spot and asked everyone to bring their own snacks, whatever they wanted to eat or drink. We chose a spot and were present with ESN flags to allow all the students to find us, gather together and just chat away while eating the snacks and drinking the drinks. The event is one of the easiest ones to organise because we basically don’t have to do much for it.
Unfortunately what we can not control is the weather in Tallinn. On this particular the Sun was shining but unfortunately there were very strong winds that resulted in an overall chilly atmosphere. It became almost unbearable to stay on the beach so everyone decided to move towards the woods and set up a picnic spot there. Of course people still had their snacks and drinks and sang a few songs together but the weather didn’t give much room for any other fun activities on the beach.