
The goal of this activity was to raise awareness about the LGBTQIA+ community in a different way than usual. Our social inclusion coordinator being friends with the local drag queens and kings she organized an event of love and tolerance.
Are you ready to come enjoy an unforgetable show with ESN next week? Five drag queens and kings are preparing a night that you will remember forever! First we will appreciate the amazing performances and then we’ll dance in the bar and enjoy the rest of the night at the Cargo!
ESN Montpellier is very proud to welcome for this night: Medusa Dickinson, Aquila Leek, Lagoon Azur, Timothée Guerin et Lux Detox! And of course our MC Loup Marin!
A lot of people came, locals and international students! It was a discovery for a lot of our international students and they really enjoyed the show. The local drag queens and kings prepared a special show in French and English which made everyone laugh and in awe. We are very thankful for this event.