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The goal of the activity was to watch the famous Italian movie "Nuovo Cinema Paradiso" and ask questions about the film afterwards.


We booked a room at Centro Giovani Esprit. When we had the precise number of participants, we also bought snacks and drinks for everyone. We decided to pick the movie "Nuovo Cinema Paradiso".  "Nuovo Cinema Paradiso" is a 1988 film directed by Giuseppe Tornatore. The story follows Salvatore, a successful director who returns to his hometown in Sicily after the death of his friend and mentor Alfredo, the projectionist of the local cinema. Through a series of flashbacks, the film tells Salvatore's childhood and his deep relationship with Alfredo, the cinema, and the local community. "Nuovo Cinema Paradiso" explores themes such as nostalgia, love for cinema, and the power of memories. It is a heartfelt homage to the magic of cinema and its impact on people's lives. It is a classic of Italian Cinema that is a big part of our culture as well. It won in 1990 the Oscar for best foreign movie and the beautiful soundtrack was written by Ennio Morricone, one of the most important composers of modern history. The movie was shown in Italian with English subtitles to also help participants learn new words and enrich their vocabulary. When we finished the movie, we used Kahoot afterward to ask some questions about the story and gave prizes to those who answered the most questions. 

Logo of the SDG Goal 4 Logo of the SDG Goal 11
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Showcase Cultural Heritage
Support Language Learning
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