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Students waiving multiple flags during an event
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"In the week before the festival we are bringing you a special edition of our movie night where we will be showing exclusive short films from the actual festival so you can have a taste of it before it actually happens."

- Promotion of Fantasporto Festival 2022

- Promotion of Adega Leonor (our partner and the one that give the tickets to ESN Volunteers and International Students)

-Promotion of Livensa Co Living (our partner and place of the event)

- Promotion of Integration

-Promotion of Cultural Heritage (art and cinema field) 


The Porto International Fantastic Film Festival is the biggest film festival in Portugal, based in the city of Porto. It was created and organized by Mário Dorminsky and Beatriz Pacheco Pereira. In 2011 there were 47,395. In the end of March Adega Leonor (ESN Porto partner) gave us the possibility to show exclusive short films from the actual festival so you can have a taste of it before it actually happens to the international students, with is, we had an ideia to organize a movie night at Livensa Co Living (ESN Porto Partner). In the end of the activity we gave free tickets for the actual festival (given by Adega Leonor). During the activity our volunteers prepared some snacks for the movie night. We also had the event open for local students who were living at Livensa Co Living and participated at the event.

Logo of the SDG Goal 4 Logo of the SDG Goal 11
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Showcase Cultural Heritage
Social and Cultural Integration in Local Community
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