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Goal of the Activity

Many students of our University are interested in going for Erasmus exchange and February is the time when all of them are filling the documents for the exchange programs and are looking for the countries they want to go to. We know how important and stressful this process is and besides the meeting our International Relations Office is organising, many students are still lacking some information or have doubts about many aspects of the documentation and not only that. All these doubts appear, because their next academic year depends on the decision they make now. 

On the other hand there is another life changing event approaching, European Parliament elections, the results of which will have an impact on our future as European citizens. 

Students are the group of our society who should care the most about the future and also they must be aware of the possibilities to be heard and have an impact on the future. 

Both events - application for the exchange and European Parliament elections - leave students in confusion and unawareness and we decided to dispel doubts and show how simple and easy the processes are.


During the "Mobility in a Cup" event, we strategically utilised different rooms to cater to various aspects of the core objectives. 

The first room served as a platform for presentations focusing on different types of mobility, encompassing topics such as types of mobility, how to participate in one, and much more. Participants had the opportunity to delve into discussions and presentations that explored the challenges and opportunities associated with each mode of mobility. 

In the second room, the spotlight shifted to promoting active citizenship, where attendees engaged in activities, discussions, and workshops aimed at empowering them to play an active role in shaping their communities' mobility landscape. Here, the emphasis was on fostering a sense of responsibility and participation among individuals to advocate for inclusive, sustainable, and accessible mobility solutions.  There was a presentation prepared about what the European Parliament is, what the Parliament achieved so far, what are the goals of the Parliament, how often voting happens, why it is important to vote, who, where and how can vote. Also we shared information about how to vote abroad. Participants especially liked the flyers we prepared with the essential information about elections.

The third room, dedicated to tandem activities, encouraged collaboration and networking among participants. Through interactive exercises and group discussions, attendees had the chance to exchange ideas, share experiences, and forge connections with like-minded individuals passionate about mobility and civic engagement. interest in the competition was supported by the opportunity to win awards, which went to the best connoisseursю

Finally, the last room provided a relaxed setting for attendees to refuel with snacks and refreshments while continuing their conversations and networking, reinforcing the event's emphasis on creating a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere conducive to learning and collaboration.

All the activities and presentations were prepared in both English and Polish languages to make the knowledge accessible to everyone. 

After the activities on site the campaigns on Instagram was shared so those who couldn’t attend the event could also learn about mobility and European Parliament elections.

Logo of the SDG Goal 4 Logo of the SDG Goal 10 Logo of the SDG Goal 17
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Foster Europe and European Citizenship
Promotion of Participation in Student Mobility

This activity is part of the project:

Erasmus Generation in Action (EGiA)
This activity was organised by: