The main objective of the activity was to provide ESN Valladolid volunteers with the tools they need to better perform their voluntary work, especially with regard to the local community. With this, it has been intended that the volunteers recently incorporated to ESN Valladolid are able to transmit the values and causes of ESN, both to the local community and to the international student body and society in general.
Training for ESN Valladolid volunteers with special attention to the new collaborators of the February recruitment and to the volunteers of the ESN Valladolid Delegation in Soria, who had not received training in person before. Promotion of volunteering and information about ESN's structures as a non-profit association and as a network of "students helping students". Among the trainings to be covered: ESN on your CV ("Mum, mum, look what I have on my CV), structures and functioning of the association, activities and functioning in Valladolid, activities and functioning of the association.
activities and how they work in Valladolid ("Introduction to each working group of ESN Valladolid"), preparation of activities (dedicating a fraction of the time to the EiS) and trips, mission, vision and values...
This activity is part of the project:
Erasmus Generation in Action (EGiA)