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At the end of the activity, here we are with the waste we collect.
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Causes covered by this activity
Objective / Goal of the activity

The main goal of the activity is to influence awarness about environmental destructions and interruptions because of the human made causes which is the main problem, the usage of plastics etc. Collecting waste (plastics etc) in a very popular beach can increase the awareness of throwing them can cause a profound harm to both our environment and eco-system.


We as a club, went to Burgazada Island with members and Erasmus students in order to collect waste by our hands. At the same time, we walked a lot to reach the Mademoiselles Martha coast side. We found very interesting waste that humans threw up.

Result of the activity

The point is that protecting environment, we believe that the now our member are all aware of the responsibilities we have to our planet and environment. We all felt very pure and clean just like the cost we cleaned.

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