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Suit up! It’s Lasertag time! The warm sunny days may soon be over but why not embrace the coming darkness and join our next event!

  • Suit up! It’s Lasertag time! The warm sunny days may soon be over but why not embrace the coming darkness and join our next event! Lasertag is a fun, futuristic and exciting game. It is played in a dimly lit, fog-filled, multi-level arena where players are provided with high tech vests and awesome but harmless laser guns. Players then try to score points by deactivating other players’ vests and destroying their bases. We have rented ZBase from 19:00-23:00; please make sure you are on time at 18:45 so we can have 4 full hours of fun!

    Still need a reason why to join? - Because playing laser tag is AWESOME!

    DRESS CODE: Sporty clothes preferably dark (there are UV lights inside) and sporty shoes! (Really, you'll sweat). There are dressing rooms available.

    SNACKS AND DRINKS: ESN FINT will provide some snacks for you. Please note, bringing your own beverages is prohibited. You can bring an empty bottle though and fill it with tap water at the spot. - We urge you to do so.

    WHAT: ESN FINT Laser Tag Night
    WHEN: 25.09.23 - 18:30 o’clock until 23:00
    WHERE: ZBase Tampere at Finlayson Area
    PRICE: 9€ for members
    FOR WHOM: All members are welcome!

    Noise: Possible loud music and shouting
    Crowds: More than 25 people are expected
    Accessibility: Accessible terrain for everyone - excluding lasertag
    Alcohol: Alcoholic & alcohol-free drinks are available

    ESN FINTin järjestämät tapahtumat ovat avoimia kaikille kansainvälismielisille opiskelijoille, mukaan lukien suomalaiset tutkinto-opiskelijat! Tulkaa rohkeasti vaan mukaan tapahtumiimme nauttimaan kansainvälisestä ilmapiiristä 😊. Tiedoksi vielä että näissä tapahtumissa ensisijainen käyttökieli on englanti, mutta usein vaihtarit haluavat myös kovasti harjoitella suomen kielen käyttämistä.


Logo of the SDG Goal 3
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Physical Health & Well-Being
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