
The main goal of Kitchen Garden event covers building a connection with soil, plants, fresh air and generally nature with Erasmus students by means of practicing planting a banch of seeds such as roquette, leek, onion to prepare the garden for upcoming winter season. In addition to this, learning about permaculture, its notion and application methods; deciding the planting desing according to principles of permaculture.
In the middle of the city center and among the huge buildings there are some isolated kitchen gardens in Istanbul with the good view of Marmara Sea and Bosporus. Firstly, the experts and the other volunteers who labor for the maintenance and development of the garden gave information about the general treatments, materials, and methods. Then permaculture, sustainability and organic lifestyle are discussed. After that, the garden area was weeded, the water- pipes were set up and then the seeds were planted duly. Then for the protection of the area and future products the soil was covered by environment friendly fila. After some more talks, the event is finished. The products from previous plantings were checked and tasted.
Through the shared information and practices the awareness about sustainability, permaculture, organic products and healthy lifestyle is increased. The feedbacks were positive, the participants felt very well.