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Photos of kayaking at the Nabão
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Causes covered by this activity
Type of activity
Objective / Goal of the activity

The goal was to get exchange students physically active in an outdoor activity for one last time before the cold winter as well as allowing them to experience kayaking at the nabão river and have the great memory added to their mobility in Tomar.


The activity which lasted for almost an hour was kayaking at the Nabão river on a sunny afternoon. Before the Participants started they were given short safety directions in case something goes wrong on the kayak as well as direction on how to operate the kayak for first-timers.

  • The fee charged: 2.5 ( 3 without ESN card).
  • Participants were provided with a life jacket.
Result of the activity

The participants loved the activity and enjoyed the sunny day at the Nabão river. For some, it was the first time to go kayaking and it added another amazing experience to their Erasmus experience while on the other hand, for others who had this exerience already and they were happy to practice it again with their new friends

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