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Banner for the Dutch Movie Night #2
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Objective / Goal of the activity

To introduce international students to the local gay culture in Amsterdam and The Netherlands in a fun way: through cinema!


Want to learn more about the Netherlands through film? Or do you just really like to snuggle up after a long day at university and watch a movie? Avoid the rainy weather outside and come join us at Dutch Movie Night! It's completely free, but make sure to bring your ESN card or student card!

This time we're watching Chez Nous, a Dutch comedy and feel good movie about a charming drag queen bar in Amsterdam that, when its owner dies, is being closed down. Bertus, together with other regulars, tries to find a way to keep the bar. They plan to steal a valuable piece of jewelry from a well secured museum during the Amsterdam Gay Pride. Where will their plan take them? And will they succeed in keeping the bar? Watch the trailer here:

We will have a representative from student association ASVGay to briefly introduce the movie, explain its topic and the story behind it, and tell you something about ASVGay and the LGBTQ+ community.

Result of the activity

International student will have had a fun night, while also being educated by a student association on gay culture in The Netherlands.

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