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Banner for the ISN Cannabis Education Session
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Causes covered by this activity
Objective / Goal of the activity

To help students gain knowledge about cannabis and its different aspects and possible risks. 


Did you know that the first thing ever sold online was a bag of marijuana?

You cannot leave Amsterdam without an interactive session about one of the most *highly* rated attractions of this country: cannabis.

Whether you are a consumer of “Amsterdam coffee” or not, ISN Amsterdam x Amsterdam Genetics invite you on Tuesday, the 1st of October, to talk about the history of cannabis, ways to consume it, positive and negative effects of marijuana, Cannabinoids (THC, CBD & more) as well as a Q&A session.

The event will be hosted by one of the most famous cannabis specialists of Amsterdam Genetics.

Result of the activity

Students will have gained insight into the world of cannabis, in an educational and light-hearted way, while als being more informed about the usage of cannabis. This will hopefully result in safe and responsible usage. 

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