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Goal of the Activity

Bring cultures together with traditional cuisine.


Ready to taste and share culinary delicacies from all over the world? 🥙🍱🍜🍮🫔🍟

Join us to an exquisite International Dinner at Helga Kitchen and bring your favourite foods, deserts or snacks from your home country for everyone to taste! 🤤

Our International Dinner is a potluck type of a dinner gathering where everyone brings foods that represent their home country’s food culture. So choose and prepare your favourite national dish and introduce and share it at our dinner on Tuesday 28.2. from 18:00! ➡️

Important information:

- Spots are limited to 30 people, so prepare to make enough food for everyone!

- The first hour of the dinner (from 18:00-19:00) is dedicated for cooking and preparing the foods, and the dinner itself should start at 19:00.

- The dinner is free of charge! Just bring yourself, your chosen national food and an open mind! 🤩

- Bring a list of all ingredients used in case of allergies.

- Registration to the dinner will close on Monday 27.2. at 21:00.

WHAT: International Dinner by ESN Helga

WHERE: Helga Kitchen, Haaga-Helia Pasila campus, K1 floor

WHEN: Tuesday 28.2. at 18:00 - 22:00

Check which foods are already taken and sign up to the dinner through Kide.App according to the pre allocated group divisions by countries! Link to the list of taken foods down below:

Registered foods

PS. Helga Kitchen has some room and facilities for cooking and preparing the foods, but we recommend you prepare the foods at home prior to the dinner as far as best suitable!

See you at the dinner table!

Logo of the SDG Goal 11
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Showcase Cultural Heritage
This activity was organised by: