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Graphic of the International Dinner.
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Macerata (mc)
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Causes covered by this activity
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Goal of the Activity

The main goal of the activity was to promote different types of food around Europe and the world. It's important as a showcase of our culturale and culinary heritage. 


The International Dinner has taken place in our ''Auletta Autogestita'' (Macerata, MC) and we were around 15 people. 

There were so many specialties to taste such as: pesto pasta, hummus, galette des rois, quiche lorraine, baklava, sucre à la crème and ghormeh sabzi.

After eating these delicious plates, the Erasmus students put some typical music from their country and we danced all toghether. 

Logo of the SDG Goal 11
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Showcase Cultural Heritage
This activity was organised by: