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Social inclusion
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Goal of the Activity

It is not an event but a humanitarian action that we organized as part of the Social inclusion day. It is a humanitarian action in which we collected money for the homeless in Split (protégés of the MoST association). We have had a successful cooperation with them for several years and we are happy to respond to their action "A di si ti?", More precisely the humanitarian flea market. This year, the action was canceled due to the fear of being infected with the corona virus, and in that way, a large amount of income that the association gained from that action was canceled. In order to help them, this year we organized the action ''Humanitarian 12th month'' and we gave up all income from each event, ESN Split donated 600kn from the sale of ESN cards after recruiting new members, and we also organized the humanitarian sale of cookies.


Over 3000kn was collected and with that money we provided them with a large amount of food, hygiene supplies, protective masks and disinfectants. At that time, we received a call for another humanitarian action to which we responded. It was about helping a lady from Erdut to buy firewood, so we set aside 400kn and helped in that humanitarian action.

Logo of the SDG Goal 4 Logo of the SDG Goal 11
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Social and Cultural Integration in Local Community
This activity was organised by:
Krav Maga Centar Split-Gripe
CroMSIC Split
Bestie Split
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