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Goal of the Activity

The primary goal of the workshop was to enhance the employability of participants by equipping them with essential skills and knowledge required to navigate the job market effectively. This included improving application materials by teaching participants how to write compelling motivation letters and create effective CVs using the Europass format. The workshop aimed to help participants understand and meet employer expectations through discussions and shared experiences. Additionally, it focused on enhancing online professional presence by providing guidance on optimizing LinkedIn profiles. By fostering a collaborative environment for sharing experiences with Erasmus+ projects and encouraging networking among participants, the event sought to empower attendees with the tools and knowledge necessary to improve their job prospects and succeed in their careers.


In today’s world we have a great amount of information on the internet, although some are incredibly useful for us, most of them are just there to confuse us. When it comes to HR related topics like CV and Motivation Letters, we might need more than what the internet offers us. 

The workshop began with a discussion on the current state of Erasmus+ and ESC projects, seminars, and various youth opportunities. Participants shared their personal experiences with Erasmus+ Youth Exchange projects and student exchange programs, providing insights and practical tips. A comprehensive review of motivation letters was conducted, using anonymized examples from ESC project participants.

Key elements of a compelling motivation letter were identified and strategies for making them more appealing were discussed.

The Europass CV format was introduced in detail, highlighting its structure and benefits for new graduates. Participants examined and discussed various CV examples, gaining insights into effective presentation and common pitfalls. The discussion also addressed the challenges of aligning personal goals with company expectations, referencing the thought-provoking piece “O.N: Is the Problem Gen-Z or the Work Culture” by National ESNinBusiness Coordinator Mustafa Zengin. The workshop delved into participants' expectations from potential workplaces and what employers typically seek in candidates. Experiences with employers were shared, fostering a deeper understanding of the employer-employee dynamic.

Also, participants received guidance on optimizing their LinkedIn profiles for professional use, enhancing their online presence and networking capabilities. Practical tips on how to effectively connect and engage with potential employers on LinkedIn were provided, and participants connected with each other to expand their professional networks.

This Skills & Employability Workshop was a resounding success. Participants left with valuable insights and practical skills, enhancing their employability in an increasingly competitive job market. The event fostered a collaborative learning environment, allowing participants to learn from each other's experiences and the provided examples. Overall, the workshop effectively equipped attendees with the tools needed to navigate their career paths more confidently and professionally.

Logo of the SDG Goal 4 Logo of the SDG Goal 8 Logo of the SDG Goal 10 Logo of the SDG Goal 11
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Diversity and Inclusion of Minority Groups
Entrepreneurship & Career Development
Foster Active Citizenship & Volunteering
Promotion of Participation in Student Mobility
Recognition of Skills
This activity was organised by: