
Discover the nearby forest, hills and the beautiful view from there
Hello discoverers! :)
I’m Lilla, a nature-lover member of ESN :)
Would you like join me hiking in the Buda Hills?
We will have a way on Saturday just above Budapest, to discover the nearby forest and the beautiful view from there. We will go by bus to Normafa, and from there we will walk towards János-hegy to the top where Erzsébet-kilátó (viewpoint) is located. Then we go down to a valley, take a break and continue to Hárs-hill and to the Kaán Károly view point. We will arrive down to Hűvösvölgy („Cold valley”), where from you can take a very calming tram back to the center at around 16h.
Meeting point: Széll Kálmán tér, outside of the metro on the square
Time: 11h
Meanwhile hiking, it’s really important to respect our surrounding nature, so please be aware of the forest and don’t make big noise, but happily listen to the sound of nature! I also would like to ask you to pack your food in a plastic free way, and bring your water in a multiple-time use bottle!
Also, I’m inviting you to make some snack/sweet with your hand, that you can share with the others in the break! Time to show our gourmet taste!:)
Come in comfortable shoes, and clothes, bring a raincoat (just in case, and be aware to have a BKV pass with you, or two single tickets :)
Participation is free.
See you soon! :)