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Goal of the Activity

Cook a vegan and sustainable meal with vegetables leftover from the market


Hey everyone!

The Green Kitchen and ESN Leiden are happy to collaborate again!

With our dinners, we aim to save vegetables on the Saturday markets and then use them to cook dinners on Sundays. Our next typical three course dinner will be on the 10th of October. (The meal will be vegan) 

Please note that all participants are kindly required to show their COVID Certificate (QR code) at the entrance, and due to the capacity limit, we can only accept people who signed up in the event registration form, or the volunteer sheet.

We also have a donation box, and any donations will be appreciated (normally 1 to 5 euros). It is mainly used for necessary groceries like oil, spices, grains etc.

Please bring a food-container and a bag in case we have extra food/fruits/veggies left in the end.

The first 15 people who sign up in the event registration form, get a spot. the remaining places are reserved for helpers. (So the volunteers don't need to use the event registration form)

On Saturday:
1. Market pickup (Sat 16:45 - 18:00): to collect food from the Saturday Market in the city center. We meet at the Koornbrug (Corn Bridge) near the town hall.

On Sunday:
2. Cooking and serving (15:50 - 19:00): to help with cooking and dinner preparations. We meet at Rapenburg 100 for the cooking shifts.
3. Cleaning (20:30 - 22:00): to help with the clean-up after the dinner. 

Are you interested to help us? Sign up as a volunteer here:

And here is the event registration form (in case you need to cancel, please let us know by emailing to [email protected] or contacting our facebook page, so we can give your place to someone else) 

Fill in your email from this link to register please:

Looking forward to see you there! 

Logo of the SDG Goal 11 Logo of the SDG Goal 12 Logo of the SDG Goal 13 Logo of the SDG Goal 15
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Reducing Waste and Promoting Recycling
Protecting Nature and Promoting Biodiversity
This activity was organised by:
Green Kitchen