The goal of the activity was to raise awareness about microplastics in oceans:
- how much plastics is out there in our seas and oceans
- what impact it has on the environment and the human diet
- what can be done both at a personal and national level to reduce it
We've created a Whatsapp group to gather people from other ESN Sections (ESN Siena GES, ESN Maleventum, ESN Urbino, ESN Palermo, ESN Verona, ESN Milano Statale, ESN L'Aquila, and ESN Napoli) and our and their international students. Then, we've sent a link for the Zoom meeting during which we've introduced the documentary and the topic. After that, we've watched the movie Océans - le mystère plastique, which was available on the website dedicated to themed films created by the Italian Environmental Ministry. Finally, we've fostered a discussion basing on some prepared questions, in order to make people think about the topic, express their opinion and share best practices.
The discussion time was very productive. Many international students have expressed their opinion or shared their experience.