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Students waiving multiple flags during an event
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Objective / Goal of the activity

Introduce the new students to the old town of Tallinn while spreading some joy and giving away hugs to strangers that they come across while walking around on the beautiful streets of the city center.


The students gathered at the ESN Tallinn office and made beautiful banners and charts all focusing on "Free Hugs". After this they were allowed to walk the streets of the old town in a group, carrying the bannersĀ and offer passing by strangers hugs (of course if they were willing to do so).

Result of the activity

A lot of the tourists in the city were very enthusiatic and came running in to give a hug to the students. One of the guys (a random stranger) ended up getting a group hug and said that it was the highlight of his day (which was totally awesome). Unfortunately Estonia is not known to be a place that is happy to see strangers and a lot of people were super suspicious about the whole idea of free hugs. Many tried to avoid even coming near to the group of students.

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