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Indonesian food
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Goal of the Activity

The aim of the activity was to raise awareness of Indonesia, which is precisely one of the objectives of the association.

Another goal was to promote not only Indonesian culture but intercultural exchange and mutual knowledge.

All through various sharing and human enrichment activities.


The activity included a first part in which an Indonesian film was screened, a second part included a moment of sharing typical Indonesian food prepared by the association's volunteers, a third and final part where the volunteers prepared typical Indonesian games Indonesia and we all played together divided into teams.

In addition to the planned activities, there were gifts from Indonesia brought by the association volunteers for all the participants, prizes for the winners and a corner where they could take photos wearing batik, a type of Indonesian dress.

Logo of the SDG Goal 10
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Diversity and Inclusion of Minority Groups
This activity was organised by: