May 2020 was dedicated to the theme of Sustainability with a new edition of Green Month, an initiative totally edited by ESN Italia.
The goal of the campaign is to raise awareness of the need to change our lifestyle in order to reduce CO2 and other greenhouse gases emission.
ESN Italia has therefore offer food for thought divided into four themes: sustainable mobility; sustainable lifestyle; ecological footprint and deforestation.
In the context of the week dedicated to Sustainable Lifestyle, ESN Brescia has decided to educate people about the impact of fashion (especially fast fashion) on the environment and on people working around the world to make clothes.
We raise awareness of this topich through a series of instagram stories spread during the week, with data, quiz and tips on how to promote an ethical and sustainable fashion in everyday life.
We closed the fashion sustainability week with a cineforum, watching the documentary "The true cost". We promote the event in the WhatsApp group we have with all the International students of Brescia and on our Facebook page. We used Discord during the vision of the film, in order to discuss together while watching it. Then, by using Google Meet, we had a discussion, starting with a brief presentation to introduce the topic to the participants, give tips and food for thought.
The objective was to make participants conscious about the impact that fashion has on the environment.
The participants could reflect on a topic not usually so much consider by people. They could realize what buying an ordinary cheap garment means for the environment and for the workers of fashion industry.