
The main goal for the EiS activity was to introduce students the mobility opportunities and the cultures of the Erasmus people.
The 25th October, on the occasion of the ESN Spain National Event Lluna de València, ESN en UV and ESN Valencia UPV organized an activity of the project "Erasmus in Schools" at the school Pureza de María de Valencia, in Avenida del Cid from 11am to 1pm.
During the activity, some Erasmus students presented to some second, third and fourth middle school classes, and first of high school a Power Point presentation exposing their different cultures and themes of their countries to make known customs typical of their places of origin. The international students were Franco from Chile in second ESO, Niklas from Germany and Veronika from Czech Republic in first ESO and Rocco in third ESO. All of them showed the children their respective cities of origin and some curiosities that attracted the students' attention and how they decided to participate in the Erasmus project. In addition, during the activity they were accompanied and helped by some coordinators of ESN in UV as Lidia, Marta, Rocco and Victor, and ESN Valencia UPV as Arturo and George. All this would not have been possible without the heads of Eis, Mar de UV and Patricia of UPV, coordinating the project and contacting the school.
The result of the activity has been completely positive and satisfactory. The schools was very happy and wants to repeat the activity next year in different languages, such as French.