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Goal of the Activity

Discuss about our countries, talk abour food habbits and traditions, cook and try foods and drinks


We always hear you talking about paella, pizza, croissant, tzatziki...
Don't you think it's time for all of you to show your country's skills in FOOD? 
Are you ready for the most diverse event?
If not then you have nothing to wait and get ready to choose the "best" food of your country! It's one if you will bring their speciality. Prepare to light the fire in the kitchen ( metaphorically speaking ) and cook the traditional food of your country! Come on, pick up your loveliest mood, your willing to try new flavours and your cookbook Extra points if you try to video call for live instructions from your homecountry
Every country will have it's own corner on the table, so each one of you can bring something delightful and traditional to try! 
It wouldn't be a super amazing event if we didn't have a small or maybe big contest for the "Best international Dish"
So do you think your country has the most tasteful dishes... Come and prove it

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Logo of the SDG Goal 4 Logo of the SDG Goal 11
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Showcase Cultural Heritage
Social and Cultural Integration in Local Community
This activity was organised by: