
Welcome all the new students to Estonia, introduce them to the upcoming activities and show them a movie made on the history of Estonia, how the country got it's independence
One of the screens in the cinema was booked for the night. The evening began with a presentation about the upcoming activities and trips that have been planned for the rest of the semester and how people can make registrations for the trips to Lapland, St Petersburg, Around Estonia, etc.
Afterwards we played the movie called "Singing Revolution", which is a wonderful film that shows the history of Estonia and how it became an independent country. The movie is made in a documentary style.
There were many people who came to the event. Everyone really liked the movie.
At the end we had a special guest."Hirvo Surva". He is the Chief Chorus Master of the Estonian National Opera Chorus, Chief Conductor of the Estonian National Opera Boys’ Choir, the Estonian United Boys’ Choir “Kalev” and the Revalia Male Chamber Choir.
He has a monumental role in the movie and he was present at the venue to greet all the students and answer any questions that they had.