Students get to play beer pong and party.
Hey there, beer pong champs and party animals! Guess what? We've got some exciting news! Our Beer Pong Tournament is kicking off the next round! So, if you're ready to show off your skills, grab a partner and sign up as a team/alone asap! But hey, even if you're just in the mood to let loose, dance, and have a blast, feel free to drop by anytime! A free welcome shot, great prices and loooooooots of fun await you!
When? 23rd of April, 8.00pm registration, 8.30pm start!!
Where? The Galway Bay (in the basement)
Costs: 4€ per team/2€ as single person
If you don’t have a team, buy the 2Euro ticket and we will assign you to a random person🙂
Sign up here:
nb: The fee does not include free beer, but it includes a free welcome shot. Also, it serves to secure your spot for the tournament🙂
IMPORTANT: We have limited spots, so if you want to play then make sure to sign up to save your spot (plus, be there on time: 8pm sharp!) If we are "booked out", you can still come along and put your name on the waiting list and party with us! We are looking forward to seeing you all and to have an unforgettable and fun evening with you! See you there!