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A blessed time 🌟
A social event organised by ESN Deggendorf

In December, ESN Deggendorf organised an important Christmas social event. Using funds from the sale of mulled wine on the 7th of December, we donated half of the proceeds to the Noble Gift Project in cooperation with ESN UEK Krakow. Our international collaboration with ESN UEK in supporting them
with the Polish social project Szlachetna Paczka aimed to provide personalised support to needy families, including financial assistance (€150) and practical help. We were delighted to be able to contribute directly to this worthwhile project and spread the Christmas spirit to those less fortunate. πŸŽ„

The remaining half of the funds supported a social internal project by ESN Deggendorf, which focused on making bags for the city's homeless. In coordination with the town of Deggendorf, we made 12 bags containing blankets, gloves and toiletries tailored for men and women. We also organised two events: Card Making on 13 December and Cookie Decorating on 15 December, where participants made cards and decorated cookies for people without housing. πŸͺ

On the 16th of December, we presented the bags to the city of Deggendorf, including Mayor Dr Moser. The bags were then distributed to those in need over the following days, extending the warmth of the Christmas season to those facing challenges in their lives. 🀝


Join us for a heartwarming cause! 🌟 Erasmus Student Network Deggendorf invites you (on the 7th of December, 2023) to our Mulled Wine Sale – where every sip makes a difference! 🍷

🏑 Local Impact: Half the profits directly support Deggendorf's homeless, spreading hope and light in our community. πŸ€πŸ’–

🌍 Global Solidarity: The other half aids ESN Kraków United's international project, Noble Gift (Szlachetna Paczka), connecting hearts across borders during the Christmas season. 🀲🌐

πŸ’ Sip for Change: Your participation counts! Be part of a warm community working for the good of others. πŸŒˆπŸ€—

🌭🍴 Enjoy More: Savor the festive vibes with our added offerings of sausages and waffles! Your voluntary donations are more than welcome. See you there! 
P.S. Every sip and bite spreads joy! πŸŽ‰πŸ‘

With the kind support of CoME e.V.


Logo of the SDG Goal 4 Logo of the SDG Goal 11
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Social and Cultural Integration in Local Community
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