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The goal of this activity was to promote dialogue between institutions, policymakers and decision-makers, and the youth of the Erasmus generation, with a focus on encouraging voting in the European elections.


Messina, May 23, 2024 – The opening conference of the 2024 Spring National Event of Erasmus Student Network (ESN) Italy commenced on Thursday, May 23, at 4:30 PM in the Former Chemistry Lecture Hall of the central complex of the University of Messina, in Piazza Pugliatti. The event, titled “Erasmus Generation in the Aeolian Islands: A Bridge Between Sicily and Europe,” included the presentation of the “Aeolian Trip” event, which took place in the Aeolian Islands until Tuesday, May 28. This tour was specially designed for Erasmus students, aiming to leave them with an unforgettable memory at the end of their mobility while also highlighting the natural and cultural heritage of the Aeolian Islands.

There were a total of 94 participants, including international students, local students, OC, and board of directors. The presentation event began with greetings from Antonino Germanà, Pro-Rector for Student Rights at the University of Messina; Mayor Federico Basile; ESN Italy President Gaia Tamasi; Alessio Russo, local representative of Plastic Free Onlus; Maria Castorani, Sustainability Manager of Plastic Free Certification Sbrl; and Enrica Palminteri, Marketing Manager of Cantine Settesoli. Speakers included Maria Cristina Pisani, President of the National Youth Council; Elvira Amata, Regional Councillor for Tourism, Sports, and Entertainment; Liana Cannata, Councillor for Youth Policies of the Municipality of Messina; and Maria Grazia Sindoni, Pro-Rector for Intercultural and Multilingual Pathways at the University of Messina. The event concluded with addresses by Elisa Contarino, President of ESN Messina, and Davide Lo Presti, Head of the National Event Organizing Committee Messina 2024. Moderators included Alberto Arbuse, Head of the "Institutions" Working Group for the National Event Messina 2024, along with Giulio Del Giudice and Martina Magnano from the same working group.

During the conference, the policymakers present focused their attention on the upcoming European elections, emphasizing the importance of the Erasmus generation's choices in contributing added value to Europe. They highlighted how informed and thoughtful voting in the upcoming European elections was crucial for shaping the future of the continent.

The theme focused on Europe, the potential of Southern Italy and the city of Messina as a study and tourism destination, the importance of informed and thoughtful voting in the upcoming European elections, the role of the Erasmus project for the future of Europe, the centrality of ESN, and the importance of an event like the National Event for the region.

The event was certified by Plastic Free Certification Sbrl and received the patronage of the Municipality of Lipari, the Municipality of Messina, the European Parliament, the University of Messina, the National Institute for Documentation Innovation in Education (INDIRE), the Regional Tourism Department, the National Youth Council, the Sicilian Regional Assembly, the Aeolian Islands Hotel Federation, Loveolie, and Islands of Sicily.

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By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Foster Active Citizenship & Volunteering
Foster Europe and European Citizenship
Protecting Nature and Promoting Biodiversity
Youth Rights and Democratic Participation

This activity is part of the project:

Erasmus Generation in Action (EGiA)
This activity was organised by: