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Promo poster for Erasmus+ Info Day
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Goal of the Activity

Motivating the local students to participate in student mobility.


Erasmus Generation in Action: Erasmus+ Info Day 

On the 24th of January, we held an Erasmus+ Info Day in collaboration with International Relations Office at University of Zadar. The agenda started with the short speech of dr. sc. Marko Lukić, the Vice-rector for Interinstitutional and International Affairs of University of Zadar. Throughout his speech, he emphasized the importance of students taking the opportunities which European Union provides them with. He also pointed out that student mobility helps the youth in shaping their future, as it leads them to the new experiences and expands their horizons. 

Mrs. Kristina Budak, one of the representatives of the International Relations Office, continued with her presentation through which she informed students on everything they need to know about Erasmus+ programme. She explained the process of application, shared advice on the steps to take in order to make the application process as smooth as possible, and explained the difference between various mobility types. Students were also shown the list of Inter-institutional Erasmus+ Agreements with programme countries of our University, but were also explained the procedure of choosing institutions outside of the list of agreement. 

The president of ESN Zadar, Ivana Goa Majdandžić, held a presentation named What does ESN do for local students? during which she pointed out the advantages of participation in student mobility, briefly presented the work of ESN Zadar along with the volunteering opportunities, and introduced the local students to the Mobility Guide which was recently published by ESN Croatia. Students were advised to reach out to ESN Zadar prior to their mobility, as they can also provide them with important information regarding the ESN section in their chosen destination. They were also informed on the possibility of 1-on-1 consultations, post-mobility reintegration, and numerous events ESN Zadar organizes or partake during the year which are focused on mobility promotion.

Ivana's presentation was followed by Erasmus+ experience: Porto, Portugal by Tea Tartaglia and Nika Ivandić, two Culture and Tourism students who recently finished their mobility in Porto. They shared all the important information regarding the Erasmus+ academic mobility, along with numerous photos and stories which mark the highlights of their exchange. Students were particularly interested in the topics of accommodation and funding, and Tea and Nika responded to all the questions gladly.

During the second part of the agenda, two European universities had an opportunity to virtually introduce themselves via Microsoft Teams: the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, and the University of Mannheim. Their representatives shared all the important information about the institutions, and invited our students to choose them for their mobility destination, as they would not regret it considering the number of international students they host every year. 

The agenda ended with Q&A session during which the International Relations Office representatives and the volunteers of ESN Zadar responded to numerous questions the participants had.

Logo of the SDG Goal 4 Logo of the SDG Goal 10
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Promotion of Participation in Student Mobility

This activity is part of the project:

Erasmus Generation in Action (EGiA)
This activity was organised by:
International Relations Office, University of Zadar