ESN Chieti Pescara joined the Green Month, aimed at raising awareness about the importance of leading a sustainable lifestyle and turning to more eco-friendly alternatives or behaviours. Sharing the main purpose of this event organised by ESN Italy, we decided to promote a campaign based on a series of videos.Our goal was to raise awarness in reducing waste and transform objects that we would often throw away into useful items. We launched our campaign on April 22nd, not just a random date but Earth Day.
The learning objective for the participants was being able to understan the importance of recycling and reusing through a couple of video tutorials, where they could follow our instructions step by step in order to create items.
The activity was a success,based on the numbers of interactions we received on our social media profiles and the feedback we received. We asked the Erasmus students to also fill a feedback form. The feedback form was useful for us to check if they liked this kind of content and we even asked them to share an opinion with us regarding the Environmental Sustainability issue. This campaign was made of 3 different videos, each of whom included a different item to create, with always a different ESNer from our Section showing the steps. We think the quality of the videos is pretty cool and we will definitely organize something similiar in the future.