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Conducting a needs assessment on EU opportunities for young people to support the EGiA project.


The Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is excited to announce its new EU-funded project, the Erasmus Generation in Action (EGiA), supported by the European Parliament and aims to raise awareness about EU citizenship opportunities and foster active citizenship among European youth.

In Phase 1, we will conduct a needs assessment on EU opportunities for young people. This includes desk research on EU opportunities, accessibility, and reasons for low uptake, as well as ways for youth to access their citizenship and voting & social rights.

This is your chance to participate in the local dialogue and raise your voice - We need you!

There will be free snacks & drinks and you can join us afterwards for dinner at a bar.

In the spring of 2023, ESN Karlsruhe facilitated 2 focus groups. The impactful focus group named "International" as part of the Erasmus Generation In Action (EGIA) initiative. The event aimed to amplify the voices of both International students and ESN members, offering a platform to discuss challenges and insights related to mobility experiences. Held at KIT University, the session featured ten diverse participants with mobility backgrounds, highlighting the personalized nature of each student's journey. A prevalent theme was the need for improved information dissemination, as participants revealed gaps in awareness about available programs and support. The emotional connection to the European Union (EU) surfaced during discussions, with non-EU students expressing positive sentiments, contrasting with more critical views from EU citizens. The report's outcomes, including valuable quotes and findings, will be shared with the International Students Office and ESN's Board of Directors to enhance support structures and encourage democratic participation, coinciding with the forthcoming EU parliamentary elections.

The insightful Focus Group 2 as part of the Erasmus Generation In Action (EGIA) initiative, focusing on "Locals." This initiative provided a platform for ESN members, including those with and without mobility experience, to share their perspectives. Valuable insights emerged, including the need for more open discussions on certain topics. Participants highlighted the transformative impact of mobility experiences on personal development and attitudes. The discussions also revealed emotional considerations regarding human rights within EU member states. One key finding was the importance of information dissemination, with participants expressing a lack of awareness about available programs and support. The report's outcomes will be shared with the International Students Office and the ESN Board of Directors, contributing to improved support structures and awareness, while also aligning with efforts to promote the upcoming EU parliamentary elections.


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By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Foster Active Citizenship & Volunteering
Foster Europe and European Citizenship
Foster Intercultural Dialogue
Social and Cultural Integration in Local Community
Youth Rights and Democratic Participation

This activity is part of the project:

Erasmus Generation in Action (EGiA)
This activity was organised by: