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Preparing for a possible earthquake with ESN Nişantaşı
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Goal of the Activity

Earthquake Simulation Training in Türkiye goal to raise awareness of people living in earthquake-prone areas about how to act in case of an earthquake. These trainings are usually given by seismological experts, disaster management experts and rescue teams.

Awareness is raised on issues such as what people should do during an earthquake, how to behave safely, emergency plans and evacuation procedures. At the same time, training is also provided on possible risks after an earthquake, participation in relief and rescue operations, and acquisition of first aid skills.

These trainings aim to increase the resilience of the society in the fight against earthquakes and to ensure the safety of people and the people around them. Earthquake Simulation Training goal to increase resistance to earthquake disasters by creating a conscious and prepared society.


We started our Earthquake Simulation Training with an expert from Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD) in Türkiye.

Earthquake Simulation Trainings teach participants the correct precautions to be taken during an earthquake, methods of acting safely and emergency procedures. In these trainings, topics such as how to safely exit buildings, behaviours that should be waited safely in open areas, basic first aid knowledge are also covered. In addition to these, what should be in an Earthquake Bag, how to evacuate from the house in the event of an earthquake and what are the items that will prevent us from evacuating at home, how we can remove them from danger.

Earthquake Simulation Trainings usually include interactive and practical exercises. Participants are given practical training on scenarios such as how to behave on a shaking ground, how to help someone trapped under debris. In this way, they are provided with practical knowledge and experience for situations they may encounter in a real earthquake.

In a simulation room that shakes with a hydraulic system and shakes with the exact same intensity of the earthquakes that have taken place in our country before, accompanied by our AFAD trainer, all participants had an experience. As participants, we experienced the earthquake of 6.5 magnitude that took place in Kahramanmaraş in 1939 in Türkiye.

With this experience, first of all, we had the opportunity to empathise with what the people who actually experienced this earthquake in Kahramanmaraş in 1939 felt. In addition, we learnt what we did wrong during an earthquake and what are the right things we should do.

Logo of the SDG Goal 3 Logo of the SDG Goal 4
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Foster Experiential Learning (NFE)
Mental Health & Well-Being
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