The goal of the event is blending dog therapy with empathy-building exercises for the blind community. This isn't just any therapy session; it's a celebration of inclusivity, where the bond between humans and dogs serves as a catalyst for understanding and acceptance. Through interactive exercises students reflect on the importance of empathy in building bridges across differences and creating a more inclusive society where everyone feels valued and understood.
International students are first briefed on the objectives of the event: to learn about the experiences of the blind community and to understand the importance of empathy in our interactions. They are then given blindfolds, symbolizing the temporary loss of sight that blind individuals experience. With their vision obscured, participants not only learn how to communicate effectively with the dogs but also gain a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by blind individuals in their daily lives. The experience of being blindfolded heightens their awareness of the reliance on other senses and the importance of empathy in bridging communication barriers