
The aim of this talk is to promote international mobility among international students, but especially among those with disabilities. We seek to raise awareness and bring the means and aids closer to people with disabilities so that they can enjoy an opportunity for international mobility.
ESN Granada, with the help of national organizations such as ESN Spain and FONCE (Foundation of the National Organization of the Blind of Spain) and local organizations such as AUNE or FEGRADI, as well as departments of the University of Granada such as the Office of International Relations and the Student Assistance Service has organized an inclusive international mobility talk. In this space, local students in Granada have been provided with information about mobility grants and scholarships, information about the application process, as well as different services offered by the associations in terms of mobility. In addition, we were able to enjoy testimonials from students with disabilities who had enjoyed a university stay abroad. They were able to tell us about the benefits, the aids they applied for, as well as give us advice on how to study at another university without any problems.
The result was the creation of a space where students with disabilities could obtain useful and accessible information to apply for an international mobility stay, in addition to enjoying the testimonials of other colleagues. We were able to share many ideas and reflect on the benefits of internationalization and studying in another country. In the end, many students were satisfied and considered going abroad to study.