
The goal of the activity was to came together for a fun activity where they could meet new people and make friends. During the event, everyone had a chance to talk, laugh, and enjoy the time together. After a lively competition, the winning team got a prize, which made the day even more exciting. When the game ended, we stayed for a while, talking and getting to know each other better. The relaxed and friendly mood was perfect for building connections and creating great memories.
Right after Halloween, it was a life-action adaptation of the board game “Cluedo”. The Erasmi formed 5 teams of 5-6 people. Just like in Cluedo, we had 6 rooms, 6 suspects and 6 possible weapons. The Erasmi had to complete challenges in each room to get clues and win the game.
Some of the challenges were for example:
- - charade
- - guessing a word by lip reading
- - remembering things as fast as possible
The price for the erasmi was a voucher for a cafe that they could go to together