To spend a day cleaning our own city of Siena and raise awareness about the importance of keeping doing good things for the environment
In the occasion of Green Month 2021, an environmental campaign done twice a year by ESN Italy, and thanks to the collaboration with the association "Progetto Terra Verde", made by a group of young volunteers of Siena and the near countries, we could partecipate to a day of cleaning of the city, expecially in two green areas: the fortress and Lizza park. The activity was done using proper masks and gloves, and taking count of the restrictions and laws for social distancing in the era of Covid-19 pandemic. The two hours spend together make possible to strehgten our collaboration, andto know two other association, the Fridays For Future group in Siena and Uradio, the university radio of the city. We could help cleaning our cities, and reflect upon the importance of keeping everything good expecially for us young people. The event will be followed by others in the near future.