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Students waiving multiple flags during an event
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Adding a social twist on a activity that gathers a lot of students like a normal karaoke in which Erasmus could also donate food to a local organization (banco de alimentos in english would be Food Bank). This organization is a non-profit charitable organization whose purpose is to obtain food free of charge to distribute it, also free of charge, among charities dedicated to the direct assistance and care of people in need within Coruña and Galicia


Hey guys!
This Monday, November 29th, we bring you the second karaoke tournament of the year:

Our awaited KARAOKE NIGHT!
This time will be a little different, to be more specific it’s referred to as a charity Karaoke. If you want, you can bring non-perishable food to donate to the Banco de Alimentos de A Coruña and be able to be part of a good cause for Christmas.

WHERE? In La Olímpica Bar at 21:30h until 01:00h CAPACITY 50 PEOPLE

The tournament will consist of competing in pairs. As well, each group will be able to choose the song at the moment of the event.
If you are shy to sing... you can have a drink at the bar: small beers at 2€, large beers at 3€ and drinks at 5€.

 After the game, you will have time to sing whatever you want!
 Please, be on time to give a good impression to the judges! 
See youuuu!!

Logo of the SDG Goal 4 Logo of the SDG Goal 11
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Social and Cultural Integration in Local Community
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