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Bulgarian restaurant
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Goal of the Activity

The goal of the activity was for the Erasmus students to gather around the table for lunch and to enjoy traditional Bulgarian food and get to know each other better in a more relaxed situation. Also to promote healthy life habits like walking, and supporting small business,, in this case a local restaurant and not a big restaurant chain. 


The Erasmus students gathered in the centre of the city, which was our meeting point. From there we went all together to a local restaurant after a nice walk, by which we were promoting nice habits.

The restaurant was not fancy, but had traditional Bulgarian food. At the time of arrival the food was ready and waiting for the Erasmus. They had the opportunity to try some typical Bulgarian dishes. 

Previously the Erasmus students had fulfilled a form where they had to choose any food allergies or preferences for the type of food and the desert. The menu was in consideration with their food.

Logo of the SDG Goal 3 Logo of the SDG Goal 12 Logo of the SDG Goal 13
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Fostering Responsible Consumption
Encouraging Slow Food
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