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Goal of the Activity

🌈"All Human, All Equal," is to empower and educate youth on LGBTQ+ rights and combat discrimination. In response to the call for "Developing Youth Voices against Discrimination," our activity aims to provide a platform for participants, including volunteers from the Local section of ESN Tbilisi, international Erasmus students, and Georgian university students, to actively engage in discussions, workshops, and collaborative initiatives promoting LGBTQ+ inclusivity.



Foster Understanding: Create a safe space for open discussions, allowing participants to share experiences and deepen their understanding of LGBTQ+ issues.

Enhance Knowledge: Provide expert-led workshops to equip participants with tools and knowledge to effectively address LGBTQ+ rights and discrimination.

Promote Cross-Cultural Collaboration: Ensure a diverse mix of Georgian and international participants in each group to foster cross-cultural collaboration and a global perspective on LGBTQ+ issues. 

Create Impactful Informational Brochures: Engage participants in small groups to collaboratively create informational brochures that contribute to the dissemination of accurate and impactful information on LGBTQ+ rights.

Empower Through Dissemination: Task each group with organizing at least two informational meetings to actively disseminate acquired knowledge and materials, with our organization providing continuous support and guidance throughout the process.


📌 We are thrilled to present the successful completion of our grant project within the #SpeakOut campaign against discrimination. The "All Human, All Equal'' initiative, organized by ESN Georgia, aimed to empower and educate youth on LGBTQ+ rights, responding to the imperative of "Developing Youth Voices against Discrimination."


The project participants were carefully selected based on their motivation and experience in the field. Participants included volunteers from the Local section of ESN Tbilisi, international Erasmus students, and Georgian university students. 

🔸Activities & Methods:

Online Workshop:

The first day featured an online meeting with our trainer, co-director of Tbilisi Pride, who delivered a workshop on the LGBTQ+ rights situation in Georgia. The interactive session included an experience share about discrimination, focusing on the selected topic. Following this, participants engaged in a workshop with a trainer, receiving information and recommendations about discrimination and LGBTQ+ rights.

Physical Meeting and Brochure Creation:

The second day transitioned to a physical meeting at the university, emphasizing the practical aspects of the training. Participants were tasked with creating informational brochures and visually appealing content on the main topic. Each group presented their work, and participants were equipped with dissemination information and responsibilities post-project.


        The acquired knowledge and materials were disseminated to students from different universities and youth centers. Each group was required to conduct at least two informational meetings on the project topic. However, the participants expressed even more diverse and proactive plans for disseminating the knowledge gained from the training on LGBTQ+ rights. One participant is passionate about reaching young groups and aims to collaborate with a tolerant collective team for effective dissemination, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging rights and encouraging the expression of gender identity. Another participant, serving as an ESN communications team volunteer, plans to utilize digital platforms such as online meetings and social media to reach a broad audience and contribute to spreading awareness about LGBTQ+ rights. Collaborative efforts are highlighted by a participant who envisions developing effective dissemination strategies, possibly using social media tools, and appreciates organizational support in terms of guidance, resources, and networking.

     On a smaller scale, participants plan to share knowledge within their immediate circles, addressing potential prejudice and motivating youth through lectures at university. One participant intends to share experiences and knowledge widely through social networks, friend groups, and university settings, proposing the idea of making presentations for universities and conducting training sessions. Another participant plans a unique approach by organizing a French movie screening, fostering dialogue about LGBTQ+ rights and how Georgia can improve its understanding. 

   Several participants express a commitment to confronting aggression and bullying against the LGBTQ+ society with newfound confidence gained from the training. Others see the opportunity to support exchange students, gain knowledge for future international studies, and raise awareness within their communities. The multifaceted plans range from personal circles to broader community engagement, showcasing the potential ripple effect of the project in various spheres of influence.Continuous support and guidance were provided to ensure the success of these dissemination efforts.

Promotion & Outreach:

The project was promoted through Facebook and Instagram pages, inviting active participation and contributions. A detailed report and updates were shared on social media platforms, creating awareness and engaging a wider audience in the campaign against discrimination.

Impact & Multiplying effect

The impact of the "All Human, All Equal" initiative extends beyond the immediate participants, fostering a positive wave of change. Through diverse dissemination plans and proactive engagement, the project has set in motion a multiplying effect that promises long-term benefits in various spheres of influence. The commitment of participants to continue initiatives and confront challenges demonstrates the enduring impact of the project. ESN Georgia is proud to have spearheaded this initiative, contributing to the development of informed, empowered, and inclusive youth voices against discrimination.

Logo of the SDG Goal 10 Logo of the SDG Goal 11
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Foster LGBTQ+ Rights

This activity is part of the project:

Developing Youth Voices
This activity was organised by: