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Young people celebrating after a match
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Goal of the Activity

The primary goal of first aid is to ensure the maintenance of vital functions,to prevent the condition of the sick/injured from deteriorating,our aim in doing this activity is to teach the participants the aims of first aid, basic practices and what to do in the intervention.


The first aid workshope is an activity held in partnership with the Young Red Crescent Club in our school.  In the workshop, what to do during an emergency was explained to ESNers visually, verbally and practically.  Thanks to the network of the Young Kızılay Club, training was received by experts in emergency first aid.  For this event, which will last approximately 50-60 minutes, an appointment has been made with the Young Red Crescent club for date 7th April. The place where the workshop was held is Nişantaşı University conference hall.Our first priority In line with the purpose specified in the definition of first aid, to raise awareness of people at the end of the training on the subject, who make applications without medication, until the arrival of the medical team, with the existing tools and equipment, without seeking medical tools and equipment to the patient / injured.

Logo of the SDG Goal 3 Logo of the SDG Goal 4 Logo of the SDG Goal 8
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Physical Health & Well-Being
Recognition of Skills
This activity was organised by: