Environmental Sustainability Animation on the theme of sustainable development 20/10/2002 - 20/10/2022 Besançon , FR Raise awareness of sustainable development ESN Besançon and 1 other organisation
Health & Well-being Sport Day 25/09/1998 Parma , IT The goal of the activity was to enhance the possibility ESN ASSI Parma
Culture Turkish Breakfast and Coffee Date 01/10/0203 - 01/10/2023 İzmir , TR to give everyone the great experience of Turkish breakfast; ESN Dokuz Eylul University
Health & Well-being EU Special Concert 12/05/0203 - 12/05/2023 Ankara , TR Social Inclusion and Culture ESN Ankara University
Health & Well-being Karaoke & Just Dance 05/05/0203 - 05/05/2023 Ankara , TR Social Integration ESN Ankara University
Education & Youth Erasmus - czy (nie) warto? 30/01/0042 - 30/01/2024 Poznań , PL To inform local students about their possibilities regarding ESN UAM Poznan
Education & Youth EUrope & ITaly 08/05/0024 - 08/05/2024 Urbino , IT We wanted to underline the importance of the European ESN Urbino