Health & Well-being First Winter Beach Volley with ESN Milano-Bicocca 18:00 to 20:00 24/11/2022 Milano , IT Foster to do some sports despite the cold weather outside ESN Milano-Bicocca
Education & Youth Culture Cafe: Scavenger hunt 24/11/2022 Utrecht , NL We want to showcase the internationals the city of Utrecht ESN Utrecht
Social Inclusion Oldies party 24/11/2022 Brno , CZ Make unforgettable memories for Erasmus people. ESN MENDELU Brno
Education & Youth Culture evening: Italy, Mexico & Ukraine 24/11/2022 Praha 6 – Břevnov , CZ Presentation of different cultures and their habits, ESN CTU in Prague
Health & Well-being Teambuilding with at least two workshops 24/11/2022 - 27/11/2022 Police , CZ Learning about ESN and board positions Learning how to ESN VSTE Budweis
Culture Tascas Route 24/11/2022 Porto , PT To introduce international students to typical Portuguese ESN Porto
Culture Language Cafe vol. 3 24/11/2022 Enschede , NL Facilitating the learning of languages from all over the ESN Twente
Health & Well-being Latino Night 24/11/2022 Ancona , IT Spend an evening all together, doing some physical activity ESN Ancona
Culture Pub Quiz 24/11/2022 Nijmegen , NL Foster intercultural dialogue and social inclusion through a ESN Nijmegen
Education & Youth Book Club 24/11/2022 Nijmegen , NL Bringing book lovers together ESN Nijmegen