Culture Speed Dating Around The World 04/10/2022 Zagreb , HR The goal of this event was to give the newly-arrived ESN Zagreb
Culture How To Survive In Croatia? 29/09/2022 Zagreb , HR The goal is to acquaint freshly-arrived exhange students ESN Zagreb
Education & Youth Erasmus Festival 16/05/2022 - 18/05/2022 Zagreb , HR The goal of the activity is to promote the Erasmus+ ESN Zagreb
Social Inclusion Oldies but Goldies 02/05/2022 Zagreb , HR The goal is to raise awareness, include local people in our ESN Zagreb
Culture International Dinner 21/04/2022 Zagreb , HR Promotion and intercultural exchange through variety of ESN Zagreb
Culture Intercultural Pub Quiz 06/04/2022 Zagreb , HR Promotion of pop culture, cultural heritage, and traditions ESN Zagreb
Culture Croatian National Evening 31/03/2022 Zagreb , HR Introducing foreign students with Croatian customs and ESN Zagreb
Culture Not your ordinary photo hunt 23/03/2022 Zagreb , HR The goal of the activity is to encourage visiting cultural ESN Zagreb
Culture Wanderlust Pub Quiz 10/03/2022 Zagreb , HR Promoting the natural and cultural heritage of different ESN Zagreb