Health & Well-being Go-Kart 04/11/2024 Balçova/İzmir , TR The Go-Kart activity aims to create an exciting and ESN Yasar
Culture Surprise Activity 24/10/2024 Konak , TR Goal of the Activity to offer participants a creative ESN Yasar
Culture Chill Night 21/10/2024 Bornova/İzmir , TR The goal of the Chill Night activity is to create a relaxed, ESN Yasar
Culture Breakfast Organization in Erasmus Days 19/10/2024 Bornova/İzmir , TR The main goals of the Erasmus Days Breakfast are to foster ESN Yasar
Health & Well-being Game Night 16/10/2024 Konak , TR Facilitating interaction and fun between Erasmus Students ESN Yasar
Health & Well-being Football Game 08/10/2024 Bornova/izmir , TR Promote Physical Activity: Encourage students to stay active ESN Yasar
Culture How I Met Your Buddy 30/09/2024 Bornova/izmir , TR To create connections between International Students and ESN Yasar
Health & Well-being Ayvalık Trip 28/09/2024 Ayvalık/balıkesir , TR Cultural Exploration: Introduce participants to the unique ESN Yasar and 1 other organisation
Health & Well-being Bowling & Billiard Night 13/03/2024 İzmir , TR To help international students adapt to the city. ESN Yasar