Skills & Employability CV workshop 16/01/2023 Wageningen , NL Educate participants about how to make their CV. ESN Wageningen and 1 other organisation
Culture French kitchen 12/01/2023 Wageningen , NL Let people come in contact with french culture ESN Wageningen
Education & Youth Buddy mentor appreciation lunch 11/01/2023 Wageningen , NL Show appreciation to buddy mentors ESN Wageningen
Education & Youth ISN New years drinks 09/01/2023 Wageningen , NL To start the new year in a fun way after Christmas break, ESN Wageningen
Education & Youth Cards & cookies making for elderly 03/12/2022 Wageningen , NL Make christmas cards & cookies fore elderly. ESN Wageningen
Culture Spanish kitchen 29/11/2022 Wageningen , NL Showcasing the Spanish culture through food ESN Wageningen
Culture Cooking and Eating with refugees 28/11/2022 Wageningen , NL To have intercultural conversations and learn from different ESN Wageningen
Education & Youth Walk with the elderly 23/11/2022 Wageningen , NL To integrate in the local community and to contribute to the ESN Wageningen
Culture ISN: bingo night 21/11/2022 Wageningen , NL 'The goal of this activity is to bring the students together ESN Wageningen