Valencia , ES
Showing one of the cinemas in the city where they can go and
ESN Valencia UPV and 1 other organisation
Valencia , ES
Showing the city to incoming international students.
ESN Valencia UPV and 2 other organisations
Valencia , ES
Getting to know of one the most important places in Valencia
ESN Valencia UPV and 2 other organisations
Valencia , ES
Getting to know of one the most important places in Valencia
ESN Valencia UPV and 2 other organisations
Valencia , ES
Showing the city to incoming international students.
ESN Valencia UPV and 2 other organisations
Valencia , ES
Giving the chance to Erasmus of meeting other Erasmus at the
ESN Valencia UPV and 1 other organisation
Valencia , ES
The point of this activity was to go around the city and see
ESN Valencia UPV and 1 other organisation