Culture Figure Drawing 04/11/2024 Trondheim , NO Celebrate the beauty and diversity of the human body by art. ESN Trondheim
Health & Well-being Viking Challenge 03/11/2024 Trondheim , NO Join us for out monthly bath in the fjords! ESN Trondheim
Health & Well-being Cageball Tournament 02/11/2024 Sluppen , NO Play football and have fun! ESN Trondheim
Culture Halloween with ESN 01/11/2024 Trondheim , NO Being social, creative and having a fun Halloween evening! ESN Trondheim
Health & Well-being Pumpkin carving 31/10/2024 Trondheim , NO Join us for an evening of pumpkin carving at the ESN office! ESN Trondheim
Health & Well-being Taco Friday 25/10/2024 Trondheim , NO Experience the Norwegian Taco Friday tradition at ESN Trondheim
Education & Youth Language café 24/10/2024 Trondheim , NO Cultural exchange and language learning ESN Trondheim