Culture Board game night 29/08/2024 - 20/12/2024 Lund , SE This event aims to have a regular space for people to hang ESN Lund and 1 other organisation
Environmental Sustainability Biking to Lomma Beach 28/08/2024 Lomma , SE To bike from Lund to Lomma beach together (around 11 km) and ESN Lund
Culture Trip to Storforsen waterfall (orientation week) 27/08/2024 Vidsel , SE As with other orientation week activities, the goal is to ESN Luleå
Environmental Sustainability Hike to Ven island 26/08/2024 Ven Island , SE To go on an excursion to Ven island in Sweden. Participants ESN Lund
Culture International Potluck 25/08/2024 Lund , SE A goal is for new students to meet new friends while sharing ESN Lund
Education & Youth Lund for Dummies 21/08/2024 Lund , SE The goal of the activity is to give a tour of our student ESN Lund
Education & Youth Jewerly Workshop 24/05/2024 Lund , SE Have a lovely evening learning how to create different ESN Lund
Education & Youth Board Games Night 23/05/2024 Lund , SE One last cozy evening playing board games and hanging out ESN Lund
Education & Youth 80s/90s ESN Sittning 22/05/2024 Lund , SE Have a one last sittning of the semester and finish it in ESN Lund