Culture Social Cineclub with ESN Granada 21/01/2021 Granada , ES The main goal of this activity was to watch together a film ESN Granada
Environmental Sustainability Helping in an animal shelter with ESN Granada 19/01/2021 Granada , ES To raise awareness of the importance of not abandoning ESN Granada
Online Social Inclusion Aplicación de acciones para la igualdad 01/01/2021 - 30/09/2023 ivag The goal of this activity is to share with the volunteers of ESN en UV
Education & Youth MEDAC Sevilla Este - VET 18/12/2020 Sevilla , ES The objective of the activity is to motivate vocational ESN Sevilla
Education & Youth Walk with Dogs 16/12/2020 Valencia , ES Promote social impact of international students by walking ESN Valencia UPV and 1 other organisation
Culture Christmas Tandem 16/12/2020 Madrid , ES To present the International Students with some of the most ESN UCM Madrid
Online Education & Youth "Christmas: culture and traditions" with Sagrada Familia of Silla 15/12/2020 - 16/12/2020 Google Meet Teaching to different classes from 11 to 17 years old ESN en UV
Culture Christmas Tandem 14/12/2020 Valencia , ES Language exchange + cultural differences around Christmas ESN Valencia UPV
Social Inclusion Erasmus in School - Christmas 14/12/2020 Badajoz , ES The objective of the activity was to show the students the ESN UEx