Culture ESN CU Art Walk 16/11/2023 Bratislava , SK Promotion of Local Artists: One of the primary goals is to ESN Comenius University
Culture Slovakovica 16/11/2023 Bratislava , SK Goal was to introduce slovak national drinks and its history ESN EU Bratislava
Culture Slovakovica 16/11/2023 Bratislava , SK get to know the tastes of Slovakia ESN STUBA and 2 other organisations
Culture LANGUAGE CAFE 15/11/2023 Bratislava , SK Goal was to promote cultural diversity and languages ESN EU Bratislava and 1 other organisation
Health & Well-being Trivia night 15/11/2023 Košice , SK To test the knowledge of Erasmus students and to teach them ESN Košice
Skills & Employability ESN CU Foosball Tournament 14/11/2023 Bratislava , SK Competition and Skill Development: Foosball tournaments are ESN Comenius University
Education & Youth ESN CU - International Dinner 13/11/2023 Bratislava , SK The main goal of an international dinner is to foster ESN Comenius University